Sunday, February 8, 2009

I spent Monday morning, afternoon, evening, and night in the Architecture studio working on Project 1 for DF2.

Two weeks ago we were to construct with a partner a cantilever from cards, only using one deck, no adhesives, 18 inches long, and be able to hold a tennis ball. My partner Andy and I made a really solid model that hardly dipped from parallel, even with the ball at the end. After that was finished, we had to draw, diagram, and explain our model through plan, elevation, and plan oblique drawings, which ended up taking a handful of time, as these drawings typically do.

After spending the night working, laughing with everyone at almost everything, enduring the cold draft (from Kyle breaking the window with a tennis ball on Sunday), frustration, etc, I finally fell asleep on a couch in the basement at six thirty for about 45 minutes. All of the photos are a mix from Sunday and Monday

I'm at home today going through images from 3 different shoots, catching up on homework, running some errands, and relaxing. I get to spend some time with Diana tonight (finally), we're making a great dinner together.

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Minneapolis, MN
Architecture student at the U of M, Apple employee, boyfriend, please inquire! 952.457.4492
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