Friday, May 2, 2008




Just shot Gloria last week.

It is now the first of May, meaning it is 18 months I've been with Diana, we're so stoked about it.

I'm beginning this blog because my last one failed, and I need a way to let people know what i'm up to...that is, if they want to.

I'm finishing up school in two weeks at which point i'll be leaving for Germany until the end of May to go visit family and see the country again for the first time since '05. Before I leave i'll be doing shoots for Emiliana and Energy Park Drive and lots of studying for finals week. I also have a new house to move into.

I'll update at the end of the week.

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Minneapolis, MN
Architecture student at the U of M, Apple employee, boyfriend, please inquire! 952.457.4492
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