Wednesday, July 9, 2008

spending some time with my friend Max in his apartment. Get Young is parting ways.

I went to my first PUG meeting tonight over in Edina after work, and it was great to meet a ton of older photographers from the area, especially Spencer Combs. We knew of each other, but had never met, and it was a great time getting to know each other, geeking out on camera hardware, etc. I'm stoked because we're going to go do some shoots together soon.

iPhone 3G launch friday at 8am, at least i'm not working. I'm really going to crack down on my work and finish all of it before next week. nice that I got my car fixed so I can go to the few places that buses won't.

I leave for California in less than a if only I could figure out a way to bring my macpro with...

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Minneapolis, MN
Architecture student at the U of M, Apple employee, boyfriend, please inquire! 952.457.4492
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